Wednesday, September 6, 2023

We Are the Cavalry

If you love watching Westerns, I am sure you've seen where soldiers were surrounded by hostile Indians. They are outnumbered and their situation seems hopeless. A volunteer is sent out to another fort requesting enforcements. Just when all seems lost, the Cavalry arrives just in the nick of time! 

America (our fort) is surrounded by hostile forces. It would seem our values and way of life is being attacked on every side. Many people feel our situation is hopeless and they wonder if the Cavalry will arrive in time. 

 But who is the Cavalry? What I'm about to say doesn't seem realistic but I firmly believe that the only hope for America is the Church. I'm not talking about the anemic institution must of us are familiar with but with the strong, vibrant Church Jesus planned. Jesus said, "...I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Matthew 16:18 

The problem with America is not political, but spiritual. America is destroying itself from within and ceasing to be the “One Nation Under God” we knew. We the people must exercise our bestowed responsibilities and make our voices heard in the polling booths. The real tragedy would be that our constitutional rights be given away. 

Songwriter William Merrill wrote, " Rise up, O Church of God!
                                                          Have done with lesser things;
                                                          Give heart and mind and soul and strength
                                                          To serve the King of kings.

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