Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Word "Tones"

  “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” Proverbs 18:21

This generation never knew what it was it was like growing up without a cell phone, iPad, or laptop. Now I love technology. I enjoy using my cell phone. I do not receive many phone calls and I don't make many phone calls but I do like the convenience of texting. It is convenient for the recipient because they can answer the text whenever they can. The number of monthly texts sent has increased by more than 7,700% over the last decade. 4.2 + million people around the world have the ability to send and receive messages via SMS.

But texting cannot truly replace face-to-face conversations. When you text, you cannot see the person's body language. Texting has many disadvantages. It lacks facial expression. You cannot see body language. And of course, there is no eye contact. But I think the greatest disadvantage is the lack of verbal tone. You can speak the same word forcibly or gently. You can speak with passion or indifference.

The other day, I texted someone to clarify a question I had. They responded promptly but with an abbreviated answer that did not totally answer my question. So, I texted them again trying to get more information. They replied with more information but still did not give me the reply I was looking for. After texting the third time trying to clarify myself, they finally gave me the information I was seeking. But I could sense (?) their frustration.

My final response was “okay”. But later, I wonder how they 'heard” that. With texting there is no word tone. You can say “Okay” nonchalantly or with frustration. They may have understood my response as OKAY!!! (Which is not what I had intended.)

I am not sure there is an answer to the word 'tone' dilemma with texting. I guess a lot depends on people knowing you and your character.

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