Friday, July 17, 2020

Appointment With God

If you are like most Christ-followers, you probably have problems with consistency in your quiet time. For me, the urgent screams from my attention and many times my devotional time is put on the back burner. I rationalize that I will do it later when I have more time. 

This morning a thought came to me that could change the way I live. That thought is so simple, I cannot believe I had not thought of it sooner. 
We make appointments for everything: doctors, meeting with friends, a date night with your spouse, vacations, etc. So why not make an appointment for meeting with God? What could be more important than meeting with the Creator and Sustainer of the universe? If you had an appointment with the President of the United States tomorrow morning, I am sure that you would keep that appointment! So why do we think missing an appointment with God is less important? After all, God would understand if I have more pressing matters to take care of right?

What if we woke 30 minutes earlier every morning, and had an appointment with God? Set an actual time, say 7 a.m., and then be committed to the that every day. But a word of caution, don't make this time just a requirement. Don't make it something you check off your to-do list for the day. Your meeting was God should not be a requirement. It's all about relationship.

So, why not make an appointment with God for tomorrow morning?

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