Sunday, August 30, 2020

You Are Hated

 I know that the title I choose for this post probably does not encourage any of you but it is still a fact. (I will explain this later.)

I am sure that many of you are baffled as much as I am like you watch the coverage of the news concerning the 'protests.' I see a man driving peacefully down the street when someone from the crowd opens his car door and forcefully removes him from their car and proceeds to physically attack him. I saw a video of a police officer walking that his car when someone threw a large metal disc that hit the officer on the back of the neck dropping his to the pavement. I know I do not know all the details of either scenario but from all appearances, these men did nothing to provoke such an attack! They probably thought, "What did I do, to deserve that?" Probably nothing.

We all would like to think everyone likes you but you know that is not possible. In Psalm 69:4 we read, "Those who hate me without cause..." It is part of life sometimes to be accused even when you are innocent. Your boss may blame you for something you did not do! Even Jesus Christ faced unjust hatred; "At my Father’s direction, I have done many good works. For which one are you going to stone me?”

With that background, allow me to explain my title choice. If you are a true Christ-follower, you are hated by association. Jesus made it very clear are but two forces: good and evil. John 15:18 says, " If the world hates you, know that is has hated me before it hated you...If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you..."   

All evil has a leader. Every enemy has a general. When Jesus prayed in John 17, He was very specific calling out the "evil one." Jesus knew something that we often forget; Satan has an agenda to destroy you. He ultimately hates Jesus Christ but he cannot hurt Him, so he does the next best thing; he hates His children. 

Be encouraged. Even 'bad' things happen to good people. "“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 

Satan does hate you BUT God loves you more!

Thursday, August 27, 2020

The Dash

My wife and I live just a two-hour drive to historic Charleston, South Carolina. We both love history and since Charleston had an abundance of historic churches, it is just natural that we would tour them.

Many of these churches date back to the 1700's. We find visiting the cemeteries very interesting. 
Grave markers range from 1700's to present day. Most grave markers have one thing in common; between the date of birth and date of death, is The Dash (-). That symbol signifes a person's whole like. So brief! 

James 4:14 says our lives are like a mist. Job 7:6 tells us our lives are faster that a Weaver's shuttle. Since life is so short and eternity is so long, our wisest action would be to prepare.

Preparation is as easy as ABC.
A = Admit that you are a sinner in need of redemption. Romans 3:23
B = Believe that the death and resurrection Jesus Christ is the only means of salvation. John 14:6
C = Confess your sins. Confessing means that you agree with God you are a sinner in need of a Savior.

Mission Possible

In the Mission Impossible movies, Ethan Hunt, hears "...your mission if you accept it..." can be applied to the mission God calls every Christ-follower.  Jesus reminds us that the mission to carry His character into the world requires less of us and more of Him. 

He must become greater; I must become less. John 3:30 NIV

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Walking The Jesus Walk

 I know that it's obvious that Jesus' chief mode of transportation was walking. Jesus walked everywhere. Those walks took Him to markets, houses, synagogues, fishing, and people. Jesus was faithful to care for the people God put in His path. God put a variety of people in His path, fishermen, tax collectors, harlots, lepers, and teachers of the law. When they met them, everything changed for them. 

The more I thought about this, the more I am convinced that it is not circumstantial the people we intersect with on a daily basis. Psalms 37:23 Have you ever considered that God has a desire to put people in your path who need the love of Jesus?

In Luke 19:1 it says, "He entered Jericho and was passing through." It is very clear that Jesus did not have an agenda in Jericho but while passing through when He met Zaccheus and he was changed. vs. 9 Then, while Jesus is sitting at a well, a woman comes by and Jesus shares He is the Messiah. John 4 And last, Jesus was teaching the people when the religious brought to Him a woman caught in the act of adultery. John 8:1-11 I am sure that was not in His Daily-Planner but when the woman left she was forgiven!

What if tomorrow you prayed that God would send people across your path that need to know Jesus. And what if you pray that you would be sensitive to the Holy Spirit's prompting that this is the person you prayed God would send your way? 

YOU could change someone's eternity!

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Following Jesus Can Be Dangereous!

What Can Mere Man Do? Psalm 56:4

Bumper stickers often gives us insight into our culture. Like the one that says, "Don't follow me, I'm lost too!" The idea is it's not safe just to follow just anyone.

Follow me” is quoted more than fifteen times in the Gospels. Following Jesus, however, goes against prevailing culture—for which safety and security are utmost priorities. The kind of life to which Jesus calls us is not safe, nor secure.  C.S. Lewis wrote the Chronicles of Narnia, a series of fantasy novels,in 1941.  The main character is Aslan, a lion who represents Jesus Christ. When Susan hears she is going to meet a lion, she express fear by saying, "I shall feel rather nervous meeting a lion. Is He safe?" Mr. Beaver replies, "Who said anything about safe? Course He isn't safe. But he's good. He's the King, I tell you!"

God did not create us for safety and security. Life is not a playground but a battlefield. We’re all designed for big, dangerous lives: “. . . for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control."  2 Corinthians 10:2. By saying that God has not given us a spirit of fear, Paul is saying there is something that could cause us to fear. 

There is a militant movement in our world that opposes the Church and ultimately opposes Jesus Christ and it's going to get worse. Government is trying to shut down anything 'Christian.' In some communities, Bible Studies in the home are prohibited. California has made it unlawful for believers to meet for public worship. 

If you are serious about following Jesus, you must be prepared. If you don't prepare, you will fall. There may be (?) a time when following Jesus becomes a felony. Will you stand? 

Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. Ephesians 6:13

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Following Jesus Is Like...

 If I were to ask you for ONE word to describe following Jesus; what word would you choose? Routine? Boring? Interesting? Exciting? We have a tendency to put things in our lives into categories. And it can be a helpful way to go through life. But sometimes we think that following Jesus is just another category of our lives instead of our entire life focus.

But what if following Jesus is way more than that list of things we think about? If Jesus is who He says He is, then wouldn’t it make sense for our whole lives to be about following Him?  What if we allowed the God of the universe to be not only a part of our lives but an integral part of our day? To follow Jesus fully is to realize that every single thing we do matters and is an opportunity for us to be set apart.

So, what if following Jesus is more than you think? Imagine what might happen when we start living out our faith in ordinary ways every day. We need to realize that the only Jesus some people know is the one you manifest in your life! We have the amazing opportunity to be Jesus to a world that desperately needs Him. 

Imagine if we were truly known for being the hardest workers, the most excellent neighbors, the kindest friends, the most patient people just by the way we worked, and lived our lives. We have the opportunity to do that when we realize that following Jesus isn’t just about following Him at church but also about how we live our lives for the rest of the week.  

Listen to Romans 12:1 from the Message translation:

So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. …

Follow Jesus every day, every moment of your life!

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Can We Coexist?

 For several years I have noticed a bumper sticker that sounds politically correct, but I have not given it much thought until recently. I am sure you have seen the "Coexist" sticker.  


I have seen a lot of bumper stickers that say, “Coexist” with each letter an archetypal symbol of a different worldview or movement. If you are not familiar with them, or have seen them but do not know what each symbol means, let me break it down for you:

I’ve seen a lot of bumper stickers that say, “Coexist” with each letter an archetypal symbol of a different worldview or movement. If you are not familiar with them, or have seen them but don’t know what each symbol means, let me break it down for you:

The ‘C’ is a symbol for Islam.

The ‘O’ is a symbol for Pacifism.

The ‘E’ is a symbol for gay rights/gender equality, depending on whom you ask.

The ‘X’ is a symbol for Judaism.

The ‘I’ is a symbol for Paganism.

The ‘S’ is a symbol for Taoism.

The ‘T’ is a symbol for Christianity.

The main idea behind these bumper stickers is that no religion or movement is above the other, and that we should all, well, coexist. Despite having differing religious or worldview backgrounds, we should all strive to coexist with one another. If the bumper sticker means to ask that we all live and breathe the same air, coexisting as humans, then congratulations, we have been doing that since humanity’s existence.

But the philosophy behind this sticker is “I don’t care if you’re Christian or gay or Jewish or Muslim, you should all live as if there weren't any differences between us.”   By stating that we should all coexist, you are not living in coexistence with someone who disagrees with you. Everyone, according to this bumper sticker, should agree with the bumper sticker. Which, obviously, people don’t so you’re left with an inability to coexist. Typically, what I’ve observed, is that the one who suggests we should all coexist doesn’t care about religion or hates it when someone’s religion.

 Let me give an example.

The Christian worldview says that homosexuality is wrong. Someone who is Christian will most likely believe homosexuality to be a sin and should not be practiced. Someone who disagrees with this will call the Christian a “bigot” and other nasty things because their religion dictates their worldview. The person who disagrees with the Christian, who does not believe Christianity, will say that the Christian needs to coexist with gay people and should coexist with other religions. Who are they to suggest that Christ is the only way to salvation by God? John 14:6

Well, I hate to break it to you, but to tell the Christian that they need to coexist, you are forcing them to give up their personal belief to fit your own. Which is completely antithetical to the meaning behind “Coexist.”

Even on a different level, leaving religion aside, we will never be able to coexist, all agreeing on every issue because we are all human. We will never be able to coexist as the bumper sticker would like us to because we will always disagree on something, whether it be politics, interpretations of classic literature and its symbols, how to solve math problems, or what is better, DC or Marvel. We will always have differing opinions on everything.

Coexisting, as the definition says, “exist at the same time or in the same place,” has been happening since the dawn of man. So, congratulations if you desire for us as humans to live together on the same planet at the same time. We’ve managed that. But if you want people to disregard their religious or worldview assumptions, I’m sorry, that will never happen so we might as well stop trying to force people to do it.




Sunday, August 9, 2020

When I Grow Up...

The story is told of an elementary school teacher that asked each of her students to come to the front of the classroom and tell what they wanted to be when they grew up. Each student dutifully came to the front and told what they wanted to become when they grew up. As could be expected, they said they wanted to be a firefighter, policeman, doctor, teacher, nurse, etc. Without warning, the classroom door opened and the District Superintendent of Schools entered. As was his practice, he would often randomly select a school and observe a teacher in their classroom. 

Everything went well until the teacher realized Billy was the last student who hadn't come forward. Billy was the one student you could count on to cause trouble. He would often speak up in the class and say something embarrassing but she felt like she needed to let him share.

Billy came forward, cleared his throat and said, "When I grow up, I want to lead a blind man." Without another word, he stepped down and went to his seat. The room was totally silent. This difficult student had uttered something that was actually the core of being great, Jesus Christ said, "If you want to be great, you must become a servant." But how many of us have 'aspired' to be a servant? When Jesus needed someone to wash the dirt from his feet after walking the dusty roads; ALL His disciples refused the lowly place

The Kingdom of God is so different from the Kingdom of this world. If you want to gain = give. If you want to be great = serve. If you want to exalted = humble yourself. The way up is down! 

What are the first words Jesus will say to you when you get to heaven? "Well done, good and faithful servant...Enter into the joy of your lord."  Matthew 25:23

Saturday, August 8, 2020

How Big is your "but"?

Several years ago, Geico had a humorous commercial involving President Abraham Lincoln. Mrs. Lincoln was trying on a new dress and asked her husband if the dress made her butt look big. "Honest Abe", who was known for telling the truth, found himself in a dilemma. Many husbands today have experienced the "butt" dilemma many times.

But this blog deals with another kind of but (one "t"). This particular "but" has caused many of us problems.

How many times have we said something like:
* I know I shouldn't eat this but...
* I know I shouldn't say this but...
* I know I should spend more time with my family but...
*I know I should forgive them but...
* I know I should be more involved with the church but...
* I know I shouldn't put this on credit but...

What comes after that 'but' often leads to devastation; to our faith, to our spiritual, to our bodies, to our relationships. For a short three letter word, it is a big BUT. 

Allow me to share some biblical examples a big BUT. 
Abraham was a biblical figure that was known for his faith. By faith, God called him to a land that he never knew. God told him when he left home, he was to leave all his family behind but he decided to take his father and his family with him. 

In Abraham's culture, the oldest male is the boss. They were going to Canaan (where God told him to go) but in Genesis 11:31 we read, "...but they stopped at Haran and settled there." Canaan was where God was going to lead Abraham into a new covenant and change the destiny of the world. It was where God was going to pour out His blessing on him. He was on his way there BUT he stopped. This spiritual BUT can stop you from being where God wants you to be.

In our next blog, we will continue to look at another Biblical example of how big a spiritual "but" can be.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

No Rose Garden

…In the world ye shall have tribulation…”  John 16:33 

One of the hit songs of the 60’s was I Never Promised You a Rose Garden. Basically the song said you have to accept the bad along with the good. Life has its ups and downs. But for some unknown reason, we don’t think that applies to our walk with Christ. Many believe that when we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior, God will protect us from everything bad. 

But the Bible is clear that bad things DO happen to good people. Job was a godly man who suffered loss. The Apostle Paul was beheaded for his faith. Even Jesus was crucified unjustly. And today there are more Christians martyrs then anytime in history. I know children hate hearing that life is not fair bit it’s still the truth. 
So, why do ‘bad’ things happen to people who are trying to live a life pleasing to God? Without being too simplistic, I believe that the answer is found in Roman 8:28  “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” So, what is God’s purpose for everyone?  Verse 29 “…be conformed to the image of his Son…” 

Life is a constant tension. This world wants us to conform to its world view. Romans 12:2 says,  “One translation translates this verse “Don’t allow this world to press you into its mold.” 

God wants you to allow the events of your life to help you to become like His Son, Jesus Christ. 

So ask yourself,  How will I use this to conform me to be like Jesus?

Take care to have knowledge about the condition of your flocks, looking well after your herds. Proverbs 7:23  The context of this verse is o...