Friday, September 18, 2020

Old Testament 007


If you are a regular reader of the Bible, you probably have certain characters that are your favorites. One of my favorite people I enjoy reading about is Jonathan, son of King Saul. Jonathan has many qualities I admire but the one quality I admire the most is his courage.  He was almost reckless in some of his actions.

In one of his adventures, he convinces his servant to go over into enemy territory. In 1 Samuel 14:6 he says to his armor-bearer, “Come, let’s go over to the outpost of those…men. Perhaps the Lord will act in our behalf…” I love how he uses that word perhaps. If I’m in the middle of a battle and am asked to go into enemy territory, I would want more than perhaps. Yet Jonathan is acting on a hunch, a guess that the Lord God might help him. Kind of like James Bond (?)

God is waiting for people that are willing to step into an uncomfortable situation so that He can deliver you into a successful outcome. The trick is to know which situations to step into. God does not want you to be fool hearty. That’s why learning to be God-lead is more important than being well intentioned. Proverbs 4:11

Becoming God-led takes practice. Athletes that become great do so by mastering basic techniques. As a Christ-follower, take time to learn the basic tenants of faith. Exercise a routine that involves prayer, Bible reading and conversations about faith.

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