Thursday, September 24, 2020

Prayer: First Response? Last Resort?


Last night I was reading a novel about team of archeologists that had discovered a Mayan treasure when a group of thieves attacked them and tried to steal their discovery. After a lengthy (and exciting) battle, the hero realizes they had exhausted all their resources. With a sigh he says, "Well there is nothing else to do but pray"

WAIT A MINUTE! That sounds like many Christians today! They are facing a great trial, they try everything at their disposal and nothing has helped. They finally say, "Well, we have tried everything else, I guess we better pray!"

Why do we see prayer as a last resort instead of our first line of defense? Oswald Chambers said, "We pray when there's nothing else we can do bit God wants us to pray before we do anything at all. Most of us would prefer, however to spend our time doing something that will get immediate results."

But that just shows that we don’t truly understand the nature of prayer. We often trun to prayer in desperation because we failed to pray as a first resort. When we neglect prayer, we are more likely to paint ourselves into a corner, so to speak.

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