Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Power of Influence

When I was in Bible College, one of my professors taught me an invaluable lesson. He said, "The very first thing you need to do a a new pastor is to identify the person of influence in your congregation!" That is the person you need on your side. When a church is making an important decision, they look to THAT person to see what THEY think. That person does not necessarily need to be on the church board or be a staff member but the congregation values that person's opinion.  People need to realize that they do not need to hold a position of authority to influence people. 

India has a population of 1.4 billion people of which 966 million (78%) are Hindus. Hinduism owes much of its beginning to Mohandas Gandhi. Gandhi was not a political figure but his thoughts influenced the course of India's direction. In his early adulthood, he was impressed by the Gospels of the New Testament and the teachings of Jesus Christ.

To that end, one Sunday morning he visited a Christian Church and ask the minister how to become a Christian. However, when he entered the building the usher refused to give him a seat, and suggested that he should worship with his own people. Gandhi left the church and never returned. He said to himself, “If Christians have caste differences also, I might as well remain a Hindu.” Gandhi later said, "I like your Christ; I don’t like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."

That usher’s prejudice turned a person away from trusting Him as Savior. I am sure that usher did not realize his action may have prevented India from becoming a Christian nation. 

Every person has the power of influence to some degree. A teacher has influence with their students. A Sunday School teacher could affect a student's future. Who are you influencing? 

Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another.---Napoleon Hill 

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