Tuesday, September 15, 2020

The Power of One

Only one life will soon be past, only what is done for Christ will last...C T Studd

You would think that in such a big world with so many people; one person would have very little influence, wouldn't you? Well, you couldn't be more wrong.

Just one man voting the right way saved the United States from having Aaron Burr as President of the United States.

Just one United States Senator, voting according to his conscience, saved President Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Abraham Lincoln, from being cast out of office.

Just one man, John Wilkes Booth, changed the course of history when he assassinated President Abraham Lincoln.

Because we hear so much of brave, great, and brilliant people, we start thinking that such persons as ourselves don't count.
Nothing is further from the truth. God depends on us—on you and me—for some specific task. Nobody else can or will do this one job. Our nation needs many thousands of high-school teachers, especially men teachers. Boys are actually going to jail because of a lack of good, interesting men teachers who can inspire and lead them to good lives instead of bad.
God depends on us—each one of us, not all of us at once. When Jesus called his disciples, he made each one feel as if much depended on him. Of the twelve only Judas failed. The other eleven were faithful to death.
Today, nearly two thousand years later, Jesus depends on us as he did on his twelve. Never forget—you are important. Just one person, but still one. A very wise man said, "I am just one person, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And what I can do, I will do."

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