Monday, October 5, 2020

God Chose Me


I never liked school. Looking back after all these years, I think my dislike was based on my low self-esteem. I did not fit in with the popular kids. I was not athletic and did not make it on any sports team. Academically, I was average.  I always thought the other kids dressed so much better than I. When we went outside for recess, I almost got physically sick because when choosing up teams for softball, I was always chosen last.

Have you ever noticed the difference in the way women and men introduce their friends? Women almost always introduce someone by their relationships; “This is Mary, she is Bob and Sally’s daughter.” Men on the other introduce their friends by occupation; “This is Frank. He works for IBM.” Men seem to find their value in what they do or achieve. That is why when men retire, they lose their self-worth.

Many people find themselves running themselves ragged on a performance tread mill trying to earn someone’s love or respect. People even think if they do enough, be good enough they can win God’s approval. But the Bible does not say anything about earning God’s approval. The Bible does not tell us about “doing more” to please God. We have already been accepted by God Romans 15:7


No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, John 15:15 NKJV



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