Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Does My Life Matter?

 People often ask a common question when it looks like their time on earth is drawing to a close - "Did my life matter?" Have you ever wondered that? I have. We all dream of being a great success. Children playing football dream of making it pro. Musicians dream of themselves on a massive stage in front of thousands of scream fans. We all have a desire to make an impact in this world. We all desire to make a difference to the degree that we will be remembered when we are gone.

Success is solely defined by God and solely achieved by your faithfulness to whatever He has called you to. The Bible clearly defines success as being faithful to what God has spoken. Matthew 25:21 His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’  Your desire to make an will only be satisfied by living in obedience to God's will for you.

Choose to live a life of significance for eternity today. You have a chance today to lead people into eternal life. You have a chance today to store up your treasure in heaven. Matthew 6:19-20 Allow God to define your identity and purpose. Experience the joy that can only be found in communion with youtr heavenly Father.

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