Saturday, November 14, 2020

Times of Injustice

We have all felt the emotion of injustice. It may have experienced the pain of abandonment, the shock of being cut out of an inheritance, you may have worked harder than anyone else only to have someone else get promoted ahead of you. Getting a raw deal can be emotionally disturbing. The unfairness eats away at us. 

I remember being madly in love as a 15-year-old and having the "love of my life" leave me. I thought my life had ended. How many parents have heard their children say, "But that's not fair!"  Of course, the parents usual response is, "Life is not fair!" Which probably did not change their child's attitude! The fact is, life is not fair.  

The Levite Asaph voiced the same attitude in Psalm 73:3 "I saw that wicked people were successful and I became jealous of those proud."  Asaph was complaining to God life was not fair.  How many times have WE complained to God that we were trying to do what God says is right, yet not more problems and frustrations as a Christian than I remember having before. 

Jesus did not come to make us comfortable and shield us from hardship. 2 Timothy 3:12 

Worship of the God who is above all will ultimately unravel our sense of injustice. God WILL right every wrong but it may not be in our lifetime! 

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