Sunday, December 6, 2020

God Does Not Send Anyone To Hell

[I have posted 463 posts over the years trying to help and encourage Christ-followers (and seekers) in their Christian Journey. But THIS post is my most crucial post. Please read with on open heart and mind.]

Many times when you speak to someone about spiritual things; you may hear, "I don't believe that God would send someone to hell for _____________. Often, they are referring to some act or deed they are committing and want to assure themselves they will not be held accountable for the actions.

Now, please listen carefully. I don't want you to misunderstand and brand me a heretic! God does not send ANYONE to hell. The acts, deeds or "sins" we commit will not send us to hell. As a young Christ-follower, I heard countless sermons that if I did this or that, wore that, went there, felt this way, etc. I was sinning and would go to hell for it. But though "acts" of sin are wrong and ARE sinful, but they in of themselves, will not cause God to send you to hell!

  1. God never intended to send anyone to hell. Hell was not created for mankind but for the devil and his angels. Mt. 25:41 God does not desire anyone to go to hell or be lost "...not wanting any to perish, but all to come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9 (Emphasis added)
  2. ALL mankind were born in sin Romans 3:23 ALL sin must be punished "The one who sins is the one who will die..." Ezekiel 18:20

But God in His mercy and love, sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for ALL mankind. John 3:16 clearly teaches that Jesus came to deliver us from the penalty of sin, death, and hell.


ALL "acts" of sin are just evidence/indications that the person has not trusted/accepted Christ's death on the Cross for the forgiveness of sin. Lying, stealing, murder, immorality will not send you to hell but refusing Christ will!
This is the ONLY SIN that people will go to hell for.

So, God does not send anyone to hell. We send ourselves by rejecting Christ. The Word of God is crystal clear that Jesus Christ is the ONLY WAY to heaven. "Jesus answered, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. The only way to the Father is through me." John 14:6 ERV God does have a Plan B or any other option. Jesus is the way.

I want to be clear; I do NOT condone any 'acts' of sin!!! We should not allow/commit sin in our lives. But the greatest of sin is refusing Christ.

Let me hear your thoughts

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