Thursday, December 3, 2020

I Got Your Six!


Many will say they are loyal friends, but who can find one who is truly reliable?
Proverbs 20:6 NLT

We are living in a day with many acquaintances but few real friends. Someone once said that a man knows six men that can carry him out of a church but few men know someone they can phone at 3:00 am and share their broken heart. If you have such a friend, consider yourself fortunate.

Most men enjoy war movies. I especially enjoy movies about combat pilots. They are portrayed as having very strong camaraderie. You will hear them say "I got your six!" Which means "I've got your back."  The saying originated with World War I fighter pilots referencing a pilot's rear as the six o'clock position. It is now a term in the military that highlights the loyalty and cooperation found in military culture.  In the movie Top Gun, the term 'wingman' is used to describe a combat pilot in a plane that flies just outside and behind the leading aircraft in a flight formation, in order to provide protection from enemy aircraft.

Unfortunately most men do not have a "wing man" in their lives. In Proverbs 27:6 we read, "Wounds made by a friend are intended to help..." This implies two things:
  1. You have someone that has the courage to speak into your life when they see your are going astray or possible danger. Truth is not always welcomed but needed. If I have a terminal illness, I want my doctor to tell me the truth not shield my feelings.
  2. You need to give someone permission to point out areas of your life that need your attention and then be receptive to their advice. Men need to be accountable to another man (or men) for areas they struggle with in their lives. 
John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, formed a Holy Club (1727) where he met several times weekly with three other men to hold each other accountable in their lifestyle. This was the impetus for the Methodist Church. 

If you do not  have a a "wing man", who has "your six",  in your Christian life; you need to pray that God would lead someone into your life. 


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