Saturday, July 17, 2021

Entertained By Sin?

 Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. Ephesians 5:11-12

In 2015, the movie 50 Shades of Gray was a box office hit. The movie was described as an erotic romance but it was a film filled with depraved sexual acts. (No I haven't seen it) While it is understandable that people who have not come to a saving relationship with Jesus Christ would attend such a movie, I do not understand how people who profess a relationship with Jesus Christ would see such a movie!

I personally overheard two women in church talking excitingly about going to see the movie. Allow me to pose a question. If the Bible clearly states certain acts are sinful, is it wrong to watch others perform the same acts as entertainment? If the Bible says sex outside the marriage covenant is sinful, should I watch those who commit the acts as entertainment?

Recently, I have been convicted about watching "action" movies that depict violent scenes. Paul's simple instruction to do everything to the glory of God -is to reverently and honestly ask the question - is my behavior honoring to Him? Do my actions and attitude bring glory to God or am I tarnishing His holy name?

It is my belief as a Christ-follower that all we do; books we read, movies we watch, the music we listen to, etc. should help us in our walk with Christ and conversely things that do not help; hinder.

John Piper said, "You are what you enjoy...whatever the sins, the issue is, What does it say about our souls that we enjoy being entertained by them?"

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