Monday, July 12, 2021

Back To The Future


I recently spoke with a pastor who was experiencing was difficulties with several "senior saints" in his congregation. They were very upset with the music and the style of worship in their church. While the church was growing and new people were visiting each week, they wanted to return back to the '70s when they felt God was "moving" on their services. I am not belittling the past for I too have fond memories of the past but it is impossible to resurrect those times.

In Isaiah 43:19 God says "See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?" Thank God for what He has done in the past but God calls us to live in the present. God calls us to reach this present generation, which means we need to incorporate music and worship style that appeals to those we are trying to reach.

The church must change its thinking that the church is not about them but those outside the church. Luke 19:10 I am not saying the church should not attempt to meet the needs of its congregation but the church will die if it is not reaching new people for the Kingdom.

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