Friday, July 9, 2021

Save Your "Self"

 God created man with the attribute of self-preservation. When in a life-threatening situation; it is automatic that you attempt to save yourself. That is in the physical realm but man is primarily a spirit being. The physical being will die but the spirit will live eternally. Matthew 25:46

I have spent 30+ years as a minister of the Gospel and my focus has been 1) To bring people into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ 2) to see them become mature Christ-followers. Unfortunately, some who have begun the journey have fallen by the wayside, which has caused me to wonder what happened.

I believe the answer is found in Mark 15:30 Jesus is hanging on the cross when mockers came to taunt Him to "come down from the cross and save Himself." He could have done that but in doing so, He would be disobeying God and we would not have the means to be saved from our sins.

Jesus told us if we want to be a true Christ-follower we must daily take up our cross and follow Him. Luke 9:23 Remember the cross was an instrument of death and Jesus was saying we must put to death the desires of our lower nature. The Apostle Paul said, "My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me..." Galatians 2:20

When we yield to temptation...we have come down from our cross. When we express anger toward others...we have come down from our cross. When we put ourselves ahead of others...we have come down from our cross. When we promote our self...we have come down from our cross.

The only place we can find victory over Satan's schemes; is on the cross. We find safety only by remaining on our cross. When we come down from our cross, we are open to Satan's attack and that is why many to fallen from grace.

The songwriter correctly penned the words, " my hand no price I bring simply to the cross I cling" [emphasis added] Rock of Ages

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