Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Jesus the Magnet

 When Jesus came down from the mountain, large crowds followed Him... Matthew 8:1

We read throughout the New Testament that everywhere Jesus went He drew a crowd but He never intentionally drew people to Himself. In John 6 we have the account of Jesus attracting a crowd of over 5,000. I have been thinking a lot about why people are not drawn to me [or churches] like they were Jesus. Why are churches closing by the hundreds even though they are using a host of venues to attract people? What was Jesus 'secret' in drawing people?
  • Jesus loved unbelievers People called Him the "Friend of Sinners."The command to love is the most repeated command in the Bible. We need to love people where they are.
  • Jesus attracted people by meeting their needs. Jesus frequently asked, "What do you want me to do for you?" Many churches are more interested in meeting their own needs rather than meeting the needs of others. They need to know that they will be loved and accepted.
  • Jesus' teachings were relevant. Jesus usually taught in response to a question or problem from someone in the crowd. Jesus' goal when teaching was to transform lives. We do not have to make the Bible relevant - it already is. When people understand how the Bible can affect and change their lives; they will be drawn to that church.
Some churches become like the world. Some isolate themselves from it. A third option is better - infiltrating the world! Jesus walked among people, in their world.


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