Monday, October 25, 2021


Have you ever thrown a stone into a lake and watched the ripple effect? No matter the size of the stone, they all make a ripple. So it is with our witnessing for Christ. Just a simple word will cause a ripple effect in people's lives.

Early one Sunday, a young man dragged himself home from a night of partying. He collapsed into bed, setting his radio alarm for mid-afternoon. When the radio came on, he was jealous awake by the preaching of Donald Barnhouse, who was asking: " Suppose you were to die today and stand before God and he asked you, what right do you have to enter into my heaven - what would you say?"

That's the moment the Holy Spirit touch James Kennedy, one of America's eminent pastors, who is now with the lord. At the time, however, no one knew the results of that broadcast. It was unknown to Dr. Barnhouse, to the producers of the show. To the supporters who had given their gifts to put it on the air, or to the workers in the studio. Only heaven can tabulate the result of that Sunday afternoon broadcast.

Do not ever underestimate the handful of stones you're throwing into the pond whenever you say a word for Christ.

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