Saturday, May 14, 2022

Heavy Burden?


Cast your burden upon the Lord and He will sustain you... Psalm 55:22a

I once heard a story about man walking down a dirt road with a heavy backpack. A man driving a horse drawn wagon came upon the man and invited to give him a lift. The man accepted the invitation, climbed up on the wagon, sat down beside him but put his backpack on his lap.

The driver of the wagon said, “Why don't you put your backpack in the back of the wagon?” The man replied, “No thanks. You were so kind to give me a ride, I cannot ask you to give my backpack a ride as well.”

This reminds me how some people approach prayer. They accept the invitation to bring our problems and burdens to the Lord but refuse to leave them with Him. We ask Him in prayer to carry our load but we continue to try and work out the situation. The hymn writer said it right, Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there.” God wants us to leave our burdens at the cross.

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