Monday, May 30, 2022

Refused Communion


I mostly create posts that reflect faith and family issues but what I heard on the news stirred me.

On May 20, San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Corileone made an astonishing announcement. He pronounced that House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, should be manned from taking the sacrament of Communion. Many people may think that is no big deal but if you are a “practicing” Catholic it IS a big deal. (Or least it should.)

Though I am not a Catholic and do not hold to Catholic doctrine, I have to admire Corileone's courage to uphold the church's beliefs. The basis of his action is that Pelosi is totally going against the church's stance against abortion. Pelosi is trying to legalize abortion on demand and force taxpayers to pay for the killing of unborn babies in abortions, she claims to be a devout Catholic.

Not all priests believe the Archbishop's was justified even though the Catholic church has for centuries held abortion was a sin. (Canon 915) Pelosi, in defiance of the Archbishop, received communion at Holy Trinity Church in Georgetown this past Sunday. Apparently, the priest at this church didn't think it was a big deal to serve her either.

Many celebrities and politicians have publicly stated that it was not Corileone's place to ban her from Communion. Like it is just a manner of personal opinion. But it IS his responsibility to uphold the church's doctrine.

While I disagree with much the Catholic church teaches, I have to admire this man's courage in the face of opposition.

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