Monday, August 28, 2023

 With much wisdom comes much sorrow, the more knowledge, the more grief.  Ecclesiastes 1:18

A group of men pulled up to shore after a twenty-five-day rafting trip through the Grand Canyon. The man who came to retrieve their rafts told them about the COVID-19 virus. They thought he was joking. But as they left the canyon their phones pinged with their parents’ urgent messages. They were stunned. They wished they could return to the river and escape what they now knew.

In a fallen world, knowledge often brings pain. The wise Teacher of Ecclesiastes observed, “With much wisdom comes much sorrow; the more knowledge, the more grief” (1:18). Who hasn’t envied a child’s blissful ignorance? They don’t yet know about racism, violence, and cancer. Weren’t we happier before we grew up and discerned our own weaknesses and vices? Before we learned our family’s secrets—why our uncle drinks heavily or what caused our parents’ divorce?

The pain from knowledge can’t be wished away. Once we know, it’s no use pretending we don’t. But there’s a higher knowledge that empowers us to endure, even thrive. Jesus is the Word of God, the light that shines in our darkness (John 1:1–5). He “has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption” (1 Corinthians 1:30). Your pain is your reason to run to Jesus. He knows you and cares for you.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

May I Introduce...

 Have you ever noticed how men and women introduce people differently? 

Women introduce people according to relationships. "This is Mary Jones. She is Bill Jones' wife." That is because women are basically relational. 

Men introduce people according to occupation. "This is Bill Jones. He is the branch manager at First Bank." That's because men are basically task oriented.

So, which is correct? Both are acceptable. They are just different. 

Friday, August 18, 2023

Rich but poor

"Take care! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of possessions.” 
 Luke 12:15

Years ago,  multimillionaire John D. Rockefeller, was asked how much money does it take to make a man happy. His reply? "Just one dollar more." His answer came at the the peak of his wealth, Rockefeller had a net worth of about 1% of the entire US economy! 

As I was driving the other day, I was struck with the observation of how many storage facilities there were. We have so much, we don't have room to store it.  Apparently, we are like the rich farmer in Luke 12:18. He had an overabundance of crops that he didn't have room to store his present harvest. So, instead of giving the excess to the needy, he decided to tear down his barns and build bigger barns to hold it all for himself. He was not aware that he would die that very night. Jesus called this man a fool. "So is he who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.” 

God isn't against having possessions but He is against things being more important than our relationship with God. 

"For what good is it for a man to gain the whole world at the price of his own soul? What could a man offer to buy back his soul once he had lost it?" Matthew 16:26

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Being Tempted?


Every human being faces temptation at some time in their lives, You may be tempted to lie to protect your reputation. You may be tempted to cheat on a test to pass a subject in school. Everyone faces temptation but the good news is that God always provides a way out. 1 Corinthians 10:13

Temptation is anything that promises satisfaction at the cost of obedience to God. James 1:13 Temptation is not sinful because Jesus Himself was tempted. In Matthew 4, we read how Jesus faced temptation and was victorious. For 40 days and 40 nights, Jesus fasted in the wilderness AND He was being tempted by the devil, This is what Jesus was facing.

Jesus is faced with three temptations. These temptations are described as the lust of the flesh, the pride of life, and the lust of the eyes. Today we'll look at the lust of the flesh. We all have times in our lives when the lust of the flesh tempts us. This temptation says I want it." After 40 days without food, the devil tempts Jesus to turn stones to bread. Matthew 4:3 Nothing wrong in satisfying your hunger unless it is outside the will of God. Sin is fulfilling a God-given desire in a way that God never intended.

Jesus overcame temptation by quoting Scripture and relying on the power of God. Instead of saying "I want it" let's say "I want God."

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

What Did You Expect?

I have found that when I am frustrated, angry, and depressed, many times the source of my dilemma is unfulfilled expectations. Things didn't turn out like I had anticipated. When your promotion did not come through. Your 'happily-ever-after' marriage ended not happily. You prayed earnestly but God did not answer me, at least not as you expected. 

Since God is in control of my life, I have to surrender my life and its expectations to Him. There is nothing wrong with making plans but ultimately God's will has to be considered.  James 4:13-17. After all, God loves us and only wants our best. 

Ultimately we must give our expectations to God and in doing so, we will have peace. 

" My soul, wait silently for God alone, For my expectation is from Him." Psalm 62: 

Take care to have knowledge about the condition of your flocks, looking well after your herds. Proverbs 7:23  The context of this verse is o...