Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Touching First Base

The 1924 baseball World Series between the Washington Senators and the New York Yankees remains legendary.  It persists in the memories of a few fans  as one of the most exciting baseball championships in the history of the game. 
It is the seventh game of the series.  The Senators and the Yankees are tied, three games a piece.  It is the bottom of the ninth inning.  The first two batters strike out. The third batter has two strikes when he hits the third pitch well into the outfield. It looks like a home run but, the ball hits a pole and bounces backward into fair territory.  Rather than a home run, he has to settle for a triple. 

As the runner runs for third base, the third base coach signals the runner to steal home. The short stop throws the ball to home plate. It is going to be close but the throw to home is high and the catcher has to leap to catch it. In doing so, the runner slides under the catcher and touches home plate! The crowd goes wild. Until the home base umpire calls the runner OUT!  The crowd erupts in an out roar!   Fearing a riot, the umpire convenes a conference of all of the field umpires and himself.  Finally, they reach a decision.  The home plate umpire goes to the mike to announce the determination.  “The runner at home is called out because he failed to touch first base.

Imagine that!  The entire season and the World Series are lost due to a technicality.  The runner in his excitement fails to touch first.  The runner in his excitement fails to touch first.  Countless hours of practice, travel, and games was canceled by a small yet very significant omission.  However, that is also the case with the life of faith. 

Jesus tells Nicodemus that no one can enter the kingdom of heaven (home plate) unless he is born again (First base).  It does not matter that Nicodemus is one of the teachers of the law.  His knowledge of the law was not synonymous with a relationship with God.  Even though Nicodemus, as a member of the Sanhedrin, was a keeper of the history, literature, and religion of Israel, he had missed first base because he failed to seek a vibrant and growing relationship with Almighty God.  In the Church, we can think because you had taught Sunday School for years, had perfect church attendance for 20 years, served on the Church Board, been baptized, joined the church or any other outward ritual you are assured of heaven (Home base.) 

If you have never said the sinner’s prayer and followed the dictates of Romans 10:9-10, then you have missed first base.  It is important that we surrender our hearts completely to the Lord Jesus Christ. Some of the saddest words in the Bible is found in Matthew 7:22-24 . People will stand before God and claim the all the good things they have done for God guarantees entrance into heaven but God will say He never knew them.  

Jesus said "You MUST be born again..." 

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