Thursday, September 21, 2023

Last Chance

Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, Acts 16:31

It’s been 111 years since Titanic, the greatest ship of its time, sank on its maiden voyage, killing more than 1,500 passengers. The “unsinkable ship” had done the unthinkable. One of the unforgettable stories of the fateful event is of the Titanic preacher John Harper and his passion for saving souls.

On Sunday the 14th of April, 1912, the day when the iceberg was struck, Harper attended the church service for the passengers. His niece reported that later that afternoon she saw her Uncle speaking individually to people about their souls. It seems he was in the habit of seeking out the lost sheep wherever he went.

The Titanic struck the iceberg at 11:40 P.M. on April 14, 1912. One survivor distinctly remembered hearing him shout, "Women, children, and the unsaved into the lifeboats!" Harper knew that believers were ready to die but the unsaved were not ready. Harper then ran along the decks pleading with people to turn to Christ. As the ship began to lurch, he jumped into the icy waters and swam frantically to all he could reach, beseeching them to turn to the Lord Jesus and be saved.

Harper swam to the people one by one and asked them, “Are you saved?” One man later testified that he replied, No, I am not,' He replied, 'Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved,' The waves bore him away; but later the waves brought him back and asked, 'Are you saved now?' ‘No,’ I said, ‘I cannot honestly say that I am.’ He said again, ‘Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved,’ and shortly after he went down; and there, alone in the night, and with two miles of water under me, I believed. I am John Harper’s last convert.

Finally, as hypothermia set in, John Harper sank beneath the waters and passed into the Lord’s presence; he was 39. In the Hollywood movie of the Titanic, nothing was said about John Harper, but he was truly one of the great heroes of the Titanic.  In the face of death and drowning, he was concerned about the souls of men.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

The ATM God

 "Then Jacob made a vow, saying, “If God will be with me and will watch over me on this journey I am taking and will give me food to eat and clothes to wear so that I return safely to my father’s household, then the Lord will be my God." Genesis 28:20-21

Rather than just receiving the blessing, Jacob spoke to God like a bargain hunter. He wanted to meet God on equal terms. He's got what I want. I got what he wants. Wrong. Anytime we suggest that God is an ATM who dispenses goodness if we enter the correct PIN, we border on heresy. We've exchanged a God to whom we're accountable for a God who's accountable to us. Remember, we come to God with empty hands and an open heart.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Word "Tones"

  “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” Proverbs 18:21

This generation never knew what it was it was like growing up without a cell phone, iPad, or laptop. Now I love technology. I enjoy using my cell phone. I do not receive many phone calls and I don't make many phone calls but I do like the convenience of texting. It is convenient for the recipient because they can answer the text whenever they can. The number of monthly texts sent has increased by more than 7,700% over the last decade. 4.2 + million people around the world have the ability to send and receive messages via SMS.

But texting cannot truly replace face-to-face conversations. When you text, you cannot see the person's body language. Texting has many disadvantages. It lacks facial expression. You cannot see body language. And of course, there is no eye contact. But I think the greatest disadvantage is the lack of verbal tone. You can speak the same word forcibly or gently. You can speak with passion or indifference.

The other day, I texted someone to clarify a question I had. They responded promptly but with an abbreviated answer that did not totally answer my question. So, I texted them again trying to get more information. They replied with more information but still did not give me the reply I was looking for. After texting the third time trying to clarify myself, they finally gave me the information I was seeking. But I could sense (?) their frustration.

My final response was “okay”. But later, I wonder how they 'heard” that. With texting there is no word tone. You can say “Okay” nonchalantly or with frustration. They may have understood my response as OKAY!!! (Which is not what I had intended.)

I am not sure there is an answer to the word 'tone' dilemma with texting. I guess a lot depends on people knowing you and your character.

Friday, September 15, 2023

Your Ladder to Heaven

"Truly, truly, U say to you, you will see heaven open and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man." John 1:51

Me and ladders have a long history. We have not had an amiable relationship. By that I mean I have fallen off more ladders than I can remember. (No it wasn't the ladder's fault) I remember when my father asked me to paint the trim on our two-story house. That experience elevated my prayer life to the next level. I don't have a fear of heights, I have flown over 1,000 combat hours in a helicopter 

Jesus Christ calls Himself the "Son of Man" a title that refers to His preexistence. He is our ladder into heaven. He is equally present with the Father to hear our prayers as He is with the Spirit to answer them. He is at both ends of the ladder. He is our intermediary between you and God. 

There is no fear with Jesus being our ladder because He keeps us from falling. "To Him who is able to keep you from falling..." Jude 24


Thursday, September 14, 2023

Focus Power

 Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! Psalm 42:5

When I pastored my first church, I had an elderly man in my church, Grandpa Oakie, who had a way with words. Once when he was going through a difficult place in his life, he said, "I feel lower than a snake in a wheel track." (That's pretty low.) He was describing an emotion that most of us have experienced.

In the movie, The Karate Kid, Mr. Miyagi is teaching Daniel, his student, how to successful in mastering karate. When Daniel cannot master a certain technique Mr. Miyagi tells him his problem is lack of focus. He says, "Focus Power, Daniel San." Quit focusing on yourself. 

Discouragement is focusing on the situation rather than focusing on God (Our power).  David said, "I will put my hope (focus) in God." Discouragement comes when we focus on our inability to overcome our situation.  David said in Psalm 56:3 "when I am afraid (or discouraged), I put my trust (or focus) in you. 

So, if you are discouraged today, ask yourself where is my focus

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Sacred Cows in the Church?


I have spent much of my adult life in the church. I love the church, but it is not perfect because it is filled with people. People with faults, hangups and wrong thinking. As a pastor for 40+ years, one of the biggest challenges I faced was 'sacred cows' in the church. Not literal four-legged cud-chewing cows but traditions and even objects that people have elevated to Biblical status.

Here is a more technical definition. “The term 'sacred cow' is commonly used in Christian circles to describe those elements of church life that have been elevated to such a high level of importance that they cannot be touched, criticized, changed or removed. Above all, sacred cows are not essential to the fundamentals of Christianity, but people treat then as if they are.” (Source unknown)

Allow me to share just a couple I have encountered.

  • Passing the offering plate. Many churches no longer use offering plates but have offering boxes/baskets at the doors of the sanctuary. If you stop that tradition, you may find stiff opposition.

  • Worship style. This one of the biggest “sacred cows” in the church. If you want to start a 'war' in the church, try changing the worship.

  • Dress standards. There was a time when people came to church in suits/ties and dresses. But today many don't even own a suit or a Sunday dress. Dressing up for church is not wrong but we cannot have a 'dress code' for people to attend our churches.

  • Bible translations. There are many good translations to choose from, but we should not elevate ONE translation as THE only translation we should use.

One word of caution. If the health of the church is suffering and it is decided that a certain 'sacred cow' must be killed, make sure it's God's will and His timing. Killing a sacred cow could be messy!

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Do Not Conform

 These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Matthew 15:8

Some years ago, I was a principal in a Christian Academy. As part of my responsibilities, I would interview the seniors who were about to graduate. As expected,  they gave all the correct answers. A few days after their graduation, it came to my attention that one of the graduates was involved in drinking and sexual activity. While attending school, his behavior was above reproach, How could this happen? He had conformed his outward behavior, without allowing his heart to be transformed.  He knew the lingo, he knew what was expected of him and he conformed. 

But I'm afraid he isn't alone. Millions of professing Christians have done the same. They observed other Christians and saw them pray, go to church, give offerings, read their Bibles, etc., and thought "I can do that too!"  So, they conformed their lives and came to the conclusion, that they too were "Christians." But, they have never been transformed by the Holy Spirit. They were never made new. 2 Corinthians 5 If there hasn't been a change, it is doubtful you have been truly converted. 

Someone said, ""External conformity without internal transformation gives us an incomplete Christian identity." The Apostle Paul said it this way, "Don’t change yourselves to be like the people of this world, but let God change you inside..." NOTICE. Paul said don't change yourself, (Don't just conform!) But allow God to change you!

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

We Are the Cavalry

If you love watching Westerns, I am sure you've seen where soldiers were surrounded by hostile Indians. They are outnumbered and their situation seems hopeless. A volunteer is sent out to another fort requesting enforcements. Just when all seems lost, the Cavalry arrives just in the nick of time! 

America (our fort) is surrounded by hostile forces. It would seem our values and way of life is being attacked on every side. Many people feel our situation is hopeless and they wonder if the Cavalry will arrive in time. 

 But who is the Cavalry? What I'm about to say doesn't seem realistic but I firmly believe that the only hope for America is the Church. I'm not talking about the anemic institution must of us are familiar with but with the strong, vibrant Church Jesus planned. Jesus said, "...I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Matthew 16:18 

The problem with America is not political, but spiritual. America is destroying itself from within and ceasing to be the “One Nation Under God” we knew. We the people must exercise our bestowed responsibilities and make our voices heard in the polling booths. The real tragedy would be that our constitutional rights be given away. 

Songwriter William Merrill wrote, " Rise up, O Church of God!
                                                          Have done with lesser things;
                                                          Give heart and mind and soul and strength
                                                          To serve the King of kings.

Sunday, September 3, 2023


"In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes." Judges 17:6

If I were asked to describe the last ten years in one word, it would be confusion. Our government leaders are confused about how to solve a myriad of problems. Adolescents are confused about their gender identity. Teachers are confused about their roles. 

My personal opinion lies in how we view life. Our country was founded on a Biblical worldview, 99.9% of our founding fathers believed that Biblical principles should be the basis of government, and society.   When there is no moral standard to guide us, people will naturally follow their own values. This week a third-grade teacher was arrested for being intoxicated while teaching. She couldn't believe she was being arrested. She didn't do anything wrong. Right?

In the Old Testament, Israel went through a period when they did not have a king, so they did what was right in their own eyes. Today's philosophy is "If it feels right do it." We sing songs that boast, "I did it my way," as though this is a good thing. 

Proverbs 14:34 says, "Godliness makes a great nation but sin is a disgrace to any people." The real reason people do not accept Jesus Christ as their Savior is they refuse to surrender control of their lives to Him. Matthew 16:24 They want to continue doing it their way. 

God doesn't want to ruin our fun. He wants only our best. "...I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." John 10:10

Take care to have knowledge about the condition of your flocks, looking well after your herds. Proverbs 7:23  The context of this verse is o...