Friday, December 31, 2021

Secrets Revealed!

 The time is coming when everything that is covered up will be revealed, and all that is secret will be made known to all. Luke 12:2

In the context of this verse Jesus is dealing with spiritual hypocrisy and that would also apply to unconfessed personal sin but is there a broader application?

There was once a TV show that dealt with unsolved mysteries. And I've always wondered would the above-mentioned verse apply to these mysteries as well?
  • Who killed Jon Benet Ramsey?
  • JFK Assassination - conspiracy?
  • Bermuda Triangle
  • Congressional secret meetings? Luke 12:3
  • Who won the last Presidential election?
When people commit adultery, thief, embezzlement, murder, etc. they think they will not be found out. Other people may get caught but not them. They are too smart, or they are the exception. They may escape detection for years as we see in many unsolved crimes but Luke 12:2 says, "The time IS coming..." Everything that was done to hide their sin will be exposed. I am not sure how God will "uncover" and make known all that people have tried to hide but I'm sure that an all-powerful God would have no problem doing so!

Understanding that God knows every deed done and every word spoken; we should live carefully.

Thursday, December 30, 2021

The Three Minute Principle

 A soothing tongue is a tree of life, but perversion in it crushes the spirit. (Proverbs 15:4 NAS)

It has been proven in research that the first three minutes of any confrontation between spouses dictates the rest of the encounter. A harsh start-up dooms a conversation to failure from the beginning. A harsh start-up means beginning a disagreement with your spouse by yelling, accusing, making threats, name-calling or so on.

When you confront in a loving manner Ephesians 4:15, your spouse is in no way threatened. Your humble, affirming posture puts him or her in the best environment possible to hear what you have to say and to be able to respond. I have known many couples who begin every serious confrontation with threats of divorce or by calling their spouse terrible names. Remember this—words are nuclear and eternal. The Bible says that we have the power of death and life in our mouths (Proverbs 18:21).

People who don’t understand this damage each other and ruin their chances at happiness. Those who understand the power of words realize that they must be careful what they say. Never is this principle more important than in conflict resolution.

When your feelings are hurt and you feel rejected and angry, you must keep your words carefully controlled. You must not allow your emotions to control your actions, but rather, let wisdom control your words.

To successfully resolve conflict, you must begin with words of love and affirmation. Remember, the first three minutes of the conversation will determine the outcome in almost every case. Use them wisely and your marriage will reap the benefits.

A Marriage Devotional by Jimmy Evans

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Want To Be Happy?

 through love serve one another. -- Galatians 5:13

There is a story I heard years ago about the difference between heaven and hell. It isn’t a biblically accurate story, but that’s not the point. It is accurately related to human behavior and how our attitudes affect our happiness in life. Here it is: In heaven and in hell, people are seated around a banquet table, and before them is a great feast. There is a strange problem, however, about the way they must eat. Every person has eating utensils strapped to their hands that they cannot take off. Also, the utensils are too long for them to feed themselves. There is no way they could scoop food and return it to their own mouths. In heaven, the people easily find the solution. With joy, they simply feed each other and have a great time of fellowship as they serve one another and enjoy the feast that heaven offers. Hell is much different. The people in hell are so selfish that they would rather starve to death than help someone else. Therefore, even though they have the same food available, they never experience it because they refuse to serve each other.
There is a Chinese proverb that says, “If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap. If you want happiness for a day, go fishing. If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime, help somebody.” Proverbs 11:25 bears truth to that saying, “The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.” Some of the most miserable people on earth are those who only look out for themselves. I once worked for a multi-millionaire, and she was one of the most miserable people I've met. She never thought of anyone but herself!

According to Time Magazine, the greatest thinkers in the world have suggested that true happiness is found in helping others. Studies have proven that helping others helps reduce stress and happiness.

So, go out today, find someone in need and fill that need.


Friday, December 24, 2021

Being Wise at Christmas

 Tomorrow, we celebrate Christmas! I am sure many thoughts and memories are filling our minds. The baby Jesus, shepherds, the angelic host, and of course the three wise men.

We do not possess much detail about the three wise men but what we do know can benefit us today in our spiritual journey. Mentioned only in the second chapter of Matthew, the identity of the wise men or Magi has fascinated those who study the Bible. Who are these mysterious people who came "from the East" (Matthew 2:1)

  1. These were learned (hence wise) priests who studied astronomy and other religions of their day. They knew of the prophecy concerning the King of the Jews and followed “His” star Matthew 2:2 But their search for this new king was not to satisfy their intellectual curiosity but their search was motivated by worship. We can learn that “wise men” today should seek Him to worship.
  2. Many Bible scholars think the Magi traveled 1,000+ miles from their home which probably took them months to find Jesus. It took perseverance for them to reach Bethlehem. Today, it is hard to get people to drive across town to attend church.
  3. We “assume” there were only three wise men because only three gifts are mentioned. But this is probably wrong. Stephen Collins, in his book "Lost Ten Tribes of Israel . . . Found!" - “Due to their elevated position, they probably traveled with a large entourage that included servants, cooks, and so on worthy of those of high rank. They also came with an armed escort of perhaps a few hundred soldiers, not only to protect their safety but also to guard the precious gifts they carried.”
  4. "This Parthian delegation was offering tribute money to a 'king,' and therefore would more likely have brought a whole train of pack animals loaded with gold, frankincense, and... "Since the Parthian Magi were directed to Jesus by an angel of God, their sense of awe likely resulted in unusually large gifts being given to Jesus" (Stephen Collins)
  5. After the magi found Jesus; they returned home by another route. I don't want to stretch this point, but once people truly meet Jesus, they are never the same. 2 Cor. 5:17
Hopefully, we can learn (and apply) what we know that made these men wise.

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

God's Opposites


There is a saying that just because everyone is doing it doesn't make it right. Our culture (the world system) is trying to press Christ-followers into their way of thinking. “Don't let the world around you squeeze you into its own mold...” Romans 12:2

After 50+ years being a Christ-follower, I have discovered that the “natural” responses to life situations are often totally opposite to Christ's teaching and the principles of Scripture. For example:

  • Self-promotion. If you want to get ahead in life, you have to look out for #1. The world says to make sure you get credit for all your accomplishments. Push your name to the head of the list. But Scripture teaches the opposite. It teaches the way up, is down. 1 Peter 5:6 says “Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you it due time.”

  • Getting wealth. While the Bible does not condemn riches, it says not to make it your life's goal.

    Deuteronomy 8:18 1 Timothy 9:9 also teaches “But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation...That plunges people into ruin and destruction.

  • Revenge. How do you respond to someone that has hurt you, slandered you, or cheated you? The 'natural' response is to get even. Interesting phrase. When we get “even” we are on the same level as the one you did us wrong. The Bible's view is, “Bless them that curse you and pray for them which deceitfully use you. Luke 6:28

The list is endless but let me leave you with this thought. Often our first 'natural' response doesn't align with Scripture, so look at your response through the lens of Scripture.

Monday, December 20, 2021

A Second Christmas ?

 In a few days, we will celebrate Christmas, the coming of Jesus to earth as our Savior. As I reflected on His birth, the thought occurred to me that though the majority of people believed that Messiah would come, only a handful was actively looking for His arrival. He caught people unaware!

Fast forward 2,000 years and we find ourselves in the same situation. Forty-six percent of Christians believe in the second coming of Christ will occur in the next forty years. (Pew Research) but most are not looking for His return today. Luke 12:40 Matthew 25:13
I have a reoccurring thought every year at this time. Since Jesus promised He would return to earth, how awesome it would be for Him to return at the time we celebrate His first coming (His birth). People are so distracted with buying gifts, going to parties, and decorating they hardly give thought to the real reason for Christmas.

Jesus is the One who says that these things are true. Now he says, “Yes, I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus! Revelation 22:20
return to earth, how awesome it would be for Him to return at the time we celebrate His first coming (His birth). People are so distracted with buying gifts, going to parties, and decorating they hardly give thought to the real reason for Christmas.

Jesus is the One who says that these things are true. Now he says, “Yes, I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus! Revelation 22:20

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Who Has Control?


...Your desire will be for your husband, yet he will rule over you. Genesis 3:16

I came across this verse in my daily Bible reading and it caught my attention. The context is part of the curse God pronounced on Adam and Eve for their disobedience. The word “desire” literally “to usurp authority.” God designed man to be the leader in the home. The desire for dominance (either spouse) in a marriage is part of our fallen nature. 

But the desire for control is not only seen in marriages but in many areas of our culture. We see it on playgrounds. Children trying to dominate other children. It's evident on the job. Both political parties struggle for control of Congress. Certain people in the church try to dominant how they think the church should be. Pastors try to force their agenda on the church. And ultimately, we try to control our own lives.

Control is not essentially wrong. Without control (authority) there would be chaos. Where it becomes wrong is when we try to force our agenda or ideas on others. The problem comes when one party misuses its authority. The Bible is clear that wives are under the authority of her husband Ephesians 5:23 but that does not give him the right to be domineering.

When dealing with control/authority, we must not forget that we should all submit to the ultimate authority – Jesus Christ. James 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God...: 

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Dark Night of the Soul - Part Two


In my last blog I dealt with my personal “Dark Night of the Soul.' I briefly described how it affected me but did not have space to share how to survive the experience. I mentioned that if you have been a Christ-follower for long, you have probably found a time in your spiritual journey when you came to an abrupt halt. You may have experienced depression, hopelessness, confusion, lethargy, anger, sadness, even thoughts of suicide.

Many people seek the help of a psychologist during this experience and are wrongfully diagnosed with depression and are given antidepressants, The thing is, the problem is not in your head, it is in your soul. It is happening because you are in the process of incredibly painful spiritual transformation.

Growing in your relationship with Christ is a process. But that growth does not progress in a straight line. Our journey goes up and down, forward and backward. The goal is to develop a more Christ-like character.

Space does not allow me to fully treat how to deal with this subject but let me share some help while you go through your 'Dark Night.'

  1. Educate yourself. The more you know the better off you will be, There are many helpful articles online.

  2. Surrender and Trust. The more you resist the transformation process, the more pain you will feel. But once you let go, you will find freedom

  3. Accept where you are at. You are right where God wants you to be.

  4. Stay close to people who love you.

  5. Pray and meditate. Pray for strength and guidance.

  6. Exercise

  7. Listen to spiritually uplifting music.

  8. Focus on the positive. Philippians  4:8

Remember, this season will not last forever, You will be able to look back and see it as a blessing and not a curse. 

Friday, December 10, 2021

Dark Night of the Soul

I wish I could say I was perfect, but I am not. When I think I have it “all together”; I find I don't. As hard as I try to serve Christ; I often fail. Recently, I found myself spinning my “spiritual” wheels. That is when I pray, I don't really feel connected. When I read Scripture, I get no new revelation. The harder I try to serve God; the more distant He seems.

I have been a Christian long enough to know that my relationship with Christ is not always a 'mountain top' experience. As in all relationships, there are highs and lows. I thoroughly enjoy the 'high' moments, but I dread the 'low' moments.

As an amateur Church historian, I remember reading the biographies of many notable Christians: Charles Spurgeon, Protestant reformer Martin Luther, 18th century Missionary to the Native Americans David Brainerd, and most notable was Mother Theresa and those are just a few that have struggled with spiritual lows. I should take comfort to be included in their number. But I still don't like where I am at.

I think if we were all honest, we have all struggled with what has been called “The Dark Night of the Soul.” For some of us, these times might just be several days. For others, it might be months. Some of the “greats” of the faith struggled for years.

The purpose of this blog is to encourage transparency among the Body of Christ. (Myself included) Galatians 6:2 says, “Help carry each other's burden...” If you hide the fact that you are struggling spiritually, no one can help you through your struggle. So, find someone with whom you can be open and share your struggle. 

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

The Teeter-Totter Syndrome

 Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take. Proverbs 3:5 – 6

If you have read my blog with any regularity, you would have noticed that I have three subjects that I write upon The Church, the family, and marriage. There are two reasons. First, God instituted all three. Secondly, only these three can change our culture and us personally.

Similar to a playground teeter-totter on a playground; when couples are close; their weight is balanced. But what happens if one of them moves backwards? Everything the other person does affects your side – just like marriage. Our natural response is to “adjust” our position to keep our balance, but the result is we become further apart.

But there is a way to avoid this. Similar to a playground teeter-totter on a playground. When they are close; their weight is balanced. But what happens if one of them moves backwards? Everything the other person does affects your side – just like marriage. Our natural response is to “adjust” our position to keep our balance, but the result is we become further apart. But there is a way to avoid this.

  1. Talk to your spouse (lovingly Ephesians 4:15) about their behavior and tell them you feel a distance. Don't react and create more distance.
  2. Take responsibility for your own actions.
  3. If you cannot resolve the issue, get help. Be willing to get advice and take it.


Sunday, December 5, 2021

I've Been Pranked!


Though pranks have been with us for thousands of years, it's taken a new turn with access to social media. A prank is defined as a practical joke or mischievous act.

As a true follower of Jesus Christ, I don't believe pranks are consistent with the Christian life. I realize that this is my personal opinion and pulling a prank is not a sin but I do not think it adds credibility to our testimony.
I look at life through the lens of a Biblical worldview. That is, I think the principles found in Scripture should guide how we live. For example, the “Golden Rule.” The Golden Rule is the principle of treating others as one wants to be treated. Matthew 7:12

Watch the videos and it looks like the only ones enjoying the prank are those committing them. I John 2:6 says as a Christ-followers - “The one who claims to remain in him [Jesus] ought to live in the same way as he lived.”

Can you imagine Jesus Christ pulling a prank on someone? The point of a prank is to laugh at someone's response to the prank. Would Jesus laugh at someone's embarrassment? Would Jesus prank someone for enjoyment? I don't think so. If someone has pranked you, how did you feel? I doubt you enjoyed it. No one likes being laughed at or being embarrassed.

Think before you prank!

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Where Has Time Gone?


We all have 10,080 minutes in a week. The problem with time is it passes by so quickly. We all hear, "Where did the day go?" or "This week flew by." James 4:14 says “Life is like a vapor, it's here one day, gone the next.”

Too many people are busy making a living and forget to make a life.” Jesus said, “ But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33 The 'things' Jesus referred to are usually the 'things' that rob us from or crowd out the most important things in life; our relationship with Christ, our family and serving others. Jesus said, when we put first things first He will will take care of all the other “things” in life.
In today's fast-passed culture, we have become masters at multi-tasking in order to get everything done and squeeze everything done. However, the biggest temptation is to confuse activity with accomplishment. Time is life's most precious commodity; not gold or silver.

The executive who has worked 60-80 hours a week and is dying from a terminal illness doesn't wish for more time at the office. No, he wants to spend time with his the family he has neglected. The most important thing we can do is make the best use of our time. This may mean giving up good things for better things. Ephesians 5:16

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Getting Real About Anger

 Be angry, and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your wrath, nor give place to the devil. (Ephesians 4:26-27)

Every marriage has problems, even good marriages. The difference between a good and a bad marriage is simply the ability to work through problems. The good news is that every person can learn successful conflict resolution.
One of the first principles of conflict resolution is how to deal with anger. In Ephesians 4:26, the first thing that the Apostle Paul tells us about dealing with anger is that we must acknowledge it. He says, “Be angry...” Denying anger doesn’t make it go away; instead, it makes it build up until it explodes in a destructive and unmanageable manner.

Anger isn’t necessarily good or bad; it’s just real. As human beings, we get angry. Sometimes it is because we’ve been genuinely violated. In other cases, it’s because we’re immature or have unrealistic expectations or are selfish.

You need to learn that you shouldn’t go to bed angry. Learn to accept our own anger, but we also learn that you have to give each other the right to be angry and to express anger. Learning to be honest about your anger and allowing your spouse to do the same is the first step in successful conflict resolution. Once you are able to accept your anger, you must also commit to doing the right thing with it. You can never use your anger to justify unrighteous behavior. How you resolve conflict is crucial. It must be resolved in a manner that honors God and treats your spouse with dignity and care.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

A Little Care Repair


Kind words are like honey—sweet to the soul and healthy for the body. (Proverbs 16:24, NLT)

Every couple faces communication challenges in their marriage. After 53 years of marriage, I am still working on my communication skills. I've learned that no manner how you try to communicate; if you don't care, it won't make a difference. The actual breakdown of communication in marriage begins when attitudes begin to change. When you first started dating, your conversations were great! Why? Because you cared! You worked to understand each other.

Fast forward into marriage when communication breaks down and you'll find a different story. For marriage to be successful you must have an open line of communication. That will only take place if you feel as though the other person cares. As you care about your partner, it will become easier to understand the opposite sex. It's really not that hard o figure out the person you are married to if you really care about them.

Are you experiencing a breakdown in communication because of some negative aspects in relating to your spouse? If so, talk about ways to make positive changes in those areas.

Take care to have knowledge about the condition of your flocks, looking well after your herds. Proverbs 7:23  The context of this verse is o...